The Facebook is now comming new things called Looklike. Its a small video movie when you started facebook. This things
Comeup Because celebrated its 10th Birthday this week, the social network allowed you to watch your very own personalized
'Lookback'video. That's showcased things like your first profile photo and your most popular pictures and status updates.
For some, the look back is more horrifuing heartwarming.
This parody video, created by Stephen Parkhurst, shows what those videos should really look like.
The only problem with Look Back is that the photos aren't always that flattering or representative of what some users feel
best represents their personal Facebook experience. Or, you know, maybe an ex or three are shown in the video.When it first
launched, Facebook didn't allow users to edit the videos, but as of today that's no longer the case.
To edit your Look Back video, visit This is the same link you visited to view your video. In the
top-right you'll now find an Edit button. Clicking on it launches the editor, allowing you to pick the required number of
photos for each of the four different categories.
Editing is a bit tricky, as you'll need to remove a photo before you can add a different one to the video. Make sure to go
through and remove the photos you'd rather forget about before adding your favorite moments.
Comeup Because celebrated its 10th Birthday this week, the social network allowed you to watch your very own personalized
'Lookback'video. That's showcased things like your first profile photo and your most popular pictures and status updates.
For some, the look back is more horrifuing heartwarming.
This parody video, created by Stephen Parkhurst, shows what those videos should really look like.
The only problem with Look Back is that the photos aren't always that flattering or representative of what some users feel
best represents their personal Facebook experience. Or, you know, maybe an ex or three are shown in the video.When it first
launched, Facebook didn't allow users to edit the videos, but as of today that's no longer the case.
To edit your Look Back video, visit This is the same link you visited to view your video. In the
top-right you'll now find an Edit button. Clicking on it launches the editor, allowing you to pick the required number of
photos for each of the four different categories.
Editing is a bit tricky, as you'll need to remove a photo before you can add a different one to the video. Make sure to go
through and remove the photos you'd rather forget about before adding your favorite moments.
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